Pinelines Open 2024 – Busy Bee, Practice Day, Skins Match

Join us for a day of community spirit and skill refinement as we prepare for the much-awaited Pinelines Open 2024! This event is twofold - a Helping Busy Bee followed by a Practice Day. Calling all eager volunteers and passionate disc golf enthusiasts! Pinelines needs some tender loving care before the big tournament. During the Helping Busy Bee, we'll tackle a variety of tasks to ensure our course is in top-notch condition for the Pinelines Open. From clearing debris and trimming overgrown foliage to sprucing up tee pads and installing signage, there's a job for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the sport, your helping hands are invaluable in making pinelines shine. After a productive morning of beautifying the course, it's time to fine-tune your skills and get familiar with the tournament layouts. During the Practice Day session, participants can enjoy three hours of uninterrupted playtime. Explore each hole, strategize your throws, and hone your techniques. This is the perfect opportunity to soak in the ambiance of the course and prepare for the upcoming tournament. Let's come together as a community to make the Pinelines Open 2024 an unforgettable event! Whether you're lending a hand or perfecting your game, your presence makes a difference. Hope to see you there.